39 plus vat

So very VERY boring, married (need rescuing by knight in shining armour with huge bank balance and tricky ticker) old woman with 2 kids (Theo aged 16 and Ysabella aged 13) and a barking mad, very OLD, husband - no improvement there. Collection of cats, dead gerbils and absolutely no goldfish whatsoever. Ask me anything else you want to know, and I might tell you.

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Flat batteries - tragedy or what?

Having just commented on 'Mick in the uk's catnip blog, it made me look over lovingly to my pet corner.
To get you up to speed we have 3 cats (Red Lester, Houditoo and Dandy), 2 gerbils (Will and Gareth), 3 fancy goldfish (Spot, Spot and Spot), 2 ordinary goldfish (Sam and Joe) and 3 minnows (This, That and The-other) - hey, blame the kids for most of the names.
Sam and Joe are my daughter's and live in her bedroom. This, That and The-other are my son's and live in his bedroom. Will and Gareth live in the living room on the same shelf as Spot, Spot and Spot.
I looked over, as I said. Two of the stupid fish are floating on their sides. I understand this is sort of the equivalent of fish indigestion (something about dried food, fat bellies and gas affecting their bouyancy). The lovely Dandy is spread-eagle on top of the gerbils' cage. He is hard and fast asleep. The gerbils are a bit annoyed because they like to sniff the cats while the cats sniff them, but he's not playing because he's out cold. So they're running round like nutters making a hellish noise.
I went for my camera but the batteries are as responsive as Dandy. Oh well, there's always tomorrow.



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