I have a pizza wheel
I'm a bit pissed and this is taking a lot of effort.
Anyways I have a pizza wheel but.......
If. on the very rare occaaion I stuff a frozen pizza (if you knew how much effort I'm putting into typing this you;d be impressed, I a having to go bakc and retype every bloody word cos my fingers are either not pressinghard enough or are pressing a bgillion keys a once) into the oven , then I cut up it with wallpaper scissors.
I do have a pizza wheel but cutting pizza with it is simply fuifcking stupid cos it ends up dragging mozzerella cheese everywhere.
So I use scissors for pizza.
And this is a source of amusement to some of y friends.
But I do have a p[ix=zza wheel.
And when it comes to chopping fresh herbs its fucking brilliant.
So why is it so shit fr pizza?
And why do my friends laugh at my alternative use of implementmentds?
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