All I want for Christmas
I know I should say world peace and an end to hunger in LEDC (which, I have learnt from my 11 year old are Less Economically Developed Countries - are they next door to the third world?) but obviously I want those things like any half decent human being does.
I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want.
(So tell me what you want, what you really, really want.)
I wanna, I wanna, I wanna.......a son who realises which side his bread is buttered......who appreciates how bright he actually is......who appreciates that 'things' have been bought somewhere down the line by someone who put effort into earning the money to pay for them.......who comes to his senses, before it's too late, and puts some effort into his GCSE years......who realises that I'm on his side......
who knows how much I love him
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