39 plus vat

So very VERY boring, married (need rescuing by knight in shining armour with huge bank balance and tricky ticker) old woman with 2 kids (Theo aged 16 and Ysabella aged 13) and a barking mad, very OLD, husband - no improvement there. Collection of cats, dead gerbils and absolutely no goldfish whatsoever. Ask me anything else you want to know, and I might tell you.

Monday, September 27, 2004

Great works of fiction

I never had any aspirations to be a novelist. I'm pretty sure I don't have a book in me anywhere. I'm rather crap at English, and can barely string a sentence together.

However, week after week, I start on one of the greatest fictional works of the century, my timesheet.

Because we don't have official timesheet codes for blogging, eBay and chatting on IM I have to charge these to some poor unsuspecting client. Fortunately our clients tend to be huge german banks, so I really don't care.

Today my timesheet macros went a bit mad so I called over the bloke who wrote it, 'Huh, why do you bother? I only do mine every six months, I charge 40% of my time to general admin, and 60% to '********bank' and I've no idea what I've really done in that time apart from surfing the net for most of the day'. So its not just me here then?

Does anyone, anywhere fill these in accurately?



At 10:37 am, Blogger Rob Burton said...

Hurrah another fellow fiction writer when it comes to timesheets. Like you I spend an inordinate amount of my time in my office ebaying, or blogging or surfing anything but work. Yes we do need to call ourselves 'creative writers' who needs a degree in it huh!


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